Academic Writing Program
Good writers are always in demand. At MMC, we focus on writing skills beginning in your first semester.
MMC’s Academic Writing Program is designed to provide all first-year students with a strong foundation in writing and research skills from the beginning of their College career.
Start with the Basics
As part of our liberal arts foundation , we require every student to complete the Writing Seminar Sequence. Depending on your skill level and previous study, we’ll place you in either our two-semester WRIT 101/102 sequence, or our one-semester Advanced Writing Seminar, WRIT 201.
Students who come to MMC with emergent writing skills begin with WRIT 010: Effective Thinking and WRIT 009: Effective Thinking Lab, introductory courses that build toward our Writing Seminar Sequence.
Themed Writing Classes
Academic Writing seminars cover a wide range of topics, from American cinema to the hero archetype, environmental sustainability to mythology and monsters. Our themes are pathways into interdisciplinary writing, lenses that facilitate an inquiry-based approach to formal and informal writing tasks.
What We’re About
In Academic Writing, we support you as you discover your individual writing process—the one that works for you. From generating writing when you’re stuck to exploring the many purposes for writing, you’ll learn approaches for interweaving reading, thinking, and writing that will transform your composing process. Because college-level composition involves deep analysis, meaningful engagement with texts, and consideration of rhetoric and craft, your writing course will ask you to reflect on why and how writing works. You’ll develop well-structured, compelling, thesis-driven essays, practice drafting and revision, attend to sentence-level clarity, and hone your oral presentation skills, too.
In the Academic Writing sequence, you’ll design an original academic research project that begins in inquiry, proceeds through exploration, and culminates in discovery. You’ll learn to conduct ethical research—locating and validating sources, and placing these sources in conversation with each other and with your own voice. Your research process will transfer fluidly into further coursework and into your individual disciplinary pursuits.
Lifelong Benefits
As you move through your academic study at MMC, and beyond into your life and career, you’ll take your skills where they’re needed—pretty much everywhere.
Additional Program Resources
Please direct all inquiries about the Academic Writing Program to