Emergency Notifications

In the event of an emergency or dangerous situation involving a threat to the safety of our students and employees, MMC will investigate and notify the College community without delay. This information will be transmitted utilizing Connect-ED, our emergency communication system.

Connect-ED allows MMC to send time-sensitive information out via phone, email, and text messages. The alert message will be sent to all enrolled members of the College community and will advise on current conditions, actions to be taken to stay safe, and follow-up messaging.

In order to receive emergency messages from the Connect-ED system, you must register. All members of the College community are strongly urged to sign up for Connect-ED messaging to stay informed in the event of an emergency. Sign Up for Emergency Notifications by clicking on “Blackboard ConnectEd” link in the OneLogin Portal:


Information will also be sent out via the College email system and posted on the MMC homepage in order to disseminate information to the larger College community.

MMC provides building evacuation and emergency response procedures annually via email. Unannounced building evacuations and announced tests of the Connect-ED emergency messaging system are also conducted annually. All drills are planned in advance and documented for review.

For Parents

Parents may also register to receive emergency Connect-ED notifications. To create an account, please visit: https://mmcfamily.bbcportal.com.
